Wednesday, 6 January 2010


So yes, it's a new year and with new years comes the commitment to stick to resolutions. I haven't made any new year's resolutions because I'm smart enough to know that I will not stick to them! So instead, I am committing myself to finally writing a blog.

With the start of the new year, I have finally gotten myself motivated enough to hand-make things to give as gifts and to sell. I believe that blogging will help me to stay motivated. And now that my master Jaxon is in Kinder two days a week, I have two entire days where I have no excuse of not making things without interruption. Total bliss!

So far I've managed to keep on track. I've just listed my very first three softies on etsy, started my blog, done some fabric shopping and it's only the 6th of January.

Here's to staying motivated!

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